Shipping Policy

  • Orders placed before 4pm will dispatch on the same business day.
  • Orders received after 4pm will be sent out the following business day.
  • Expect standard delivery to arrive within 24-48 hours.
  • Delivery for international orders will take 2-5 business days.

Order Minimums:

  • €15 minimum order.

Shipping Costs:

  • Zone 1 (France): €9.99
  • Zone 2 (Poland, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia): €25
  • Zone 3 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Czechia ): €15

Free Shipping Costs:

  • Zone 1: Free delivery for orders over €100
  • Zone 2: Free delivery for orders over €300
  • Zone 3: Free delivery for orders over €300
  • Zone 1 Only: Next day delivery: €25

Your order will be shipped to the address provided at checkout. Please ensure your address is accurate before finalizing your payment.

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to reach out to us via message. We're here to respond and help address any issues promptly.